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Truth Tuesday: Unplugging

My blog has gone quiet in the past week as I've been faced a bit of writer's block, so I let myself step away and I unplugged.

I recently spent the week with my boyfriend and because his schedule is so busy, we do not see each other as frequently as we would like to. Therefore, I tend to "unplug" when I am with him. That means I tend to stay off social media, I don't text unless it's urgent, and I don't even bother bringing my computer. I still check my emails routinely and I don't neglect any of my obligations, but I also make sure that I am making time for the things that matter.

I used to feel guilty about it. I used to struggle to not grab my phone when I'm bored, to not scroll through Instagram and see what my friends are up to.

But now I don't. I enjoy it. I love being able to set down my phone, turn to the man I love and have a solid conversation. It's refreshing to be able to focus on the people that are most important to me. I love sitting outside and reading a book, soaking up the sun, phone-free.

This goes beyond my relationship. When I am with friends, I won't even set my phone on the table because I don't want to be distracted from the conversation. I try to stay off my phone when I am with my family as well, to show them that I value the time I spend with them. When it really comes down to it, it's simply rude and disrespectful to those I surround myself with as it seems like whatever is on my phone is more important that them.

If there is anything that I have learned as I've gotten older, is that time with the ones you love is irreplaceable and should not be taken for granted. That's why I decide to "unplug" from the internet, social media, and texting. It puts things into perspective for me, showing me what really matters and what doesn't.

Now, I'm always conscious of putting my phone away, and engaging with the people around me. Don't ignore the things that matter most, so if your phone call is important, take it! But sometimes, the things that matter most are sitting right next to you, talking to the top of your head as you scroll through Twitter. Don't be afraid to unplug, even if only for an hour. You may be surprised how many things you didn't notice before.

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