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Truth Tuesday: Being an adult

I've been graduated from college for less than a week and I can already tell you that being an adult is nothing like you see on movies or on television.

Being an adult doesn't mean you suddenly have tons of money to play with, and you can get martinis with your best friends after every stressful day. It's so much more than that.

Let me tell a few things I've gathered from "adulting" for the last few days.

Finding a full-time job is not easy.

I will be the first to admit that I completely underestimated the difficulties I would face when it came to finding a job post-college. I know that jobs don't appear out of thin air, but I've worked so hard preparing for the full-time opportunities I would come across after I graduated. However, I think I'm working harder now, fighting to prove that I am worth hiring.

Don't have any expectations, just goals.

I expected to find a job before I graduated, and that didn't happen. I expected to find one within a few day after I graduated, and so far, that hasn't happen either. But I'm trying, and that's important. I have sent email after email, applied for countless positions, and am not giving up. I needed to give up my expectations, and just define my goals and fiercely chase them.

Life is messy. Embrace it.

For the first time in my life, my plans are up in the air. It is terrifying, but I have learned to embrace it. I don't know what it going to happen next. I don't know what opportunities I may stumble upon or be offered in the next few months, but I'm embracing this confusing future. I'm just trying to enjoy the ride.

Being an adult does not mean a sudden influx of money to do whatever you want with.

I used to talk about the first big splurges I would purchase once I got my "adult job." I'm now realizing how unrealistic that is if I want to avoid credit card debt. Instead, my money will go towards rent, bills, loans, etc... Not that new Kate Spade tote I want, or those designer flats I've been obsessing over for two years.

Real life is happening right now.

This is so surreal to me. I'm a college graduate, and unless I go back to school for my Masters, I'm done with school and homework forever. I'm now a member of society, searching for a job that I am passionate about, degree in hand. Life is happening around me, whether I choose to be part of it or not. Sometimes you just have to go for it and jump. I'm jumping.

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