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Truth Tuesday: Post-College Thoughts

As I'm sure most of my readers are aware, I graduated from college over a week ago and I am on the hunt for my next adventure.

Because I wrote a post about my thoughts before graduation, I thought I would write a quick piece about everything that's been going through my head recently.

1. Is it normal to apply for 50 jobs a week?

I've been applying for jobs like crazy, and I'm starting to wonder if it's normal to apply for as many jobs as I have been. However, I have no plans to slow down. I'm determined to find a job that I'm passionate about.

2. How many emails is it okay to send when someone isn't responding?

The question I'm always thinking about when an email I've sent goes unanswered: how many emails should I respond with? So far, I haven't emailed more than once following an unanswered email, but I've been tempted!

3. What should I be doing differently?

My thoughts have been focused on what I'm currently doing, in terms of what I should be doing. I'll be totally honest (it is Truth Tuesday, after all) I've been questioning how to make myself stand out among other people from my same background, but I'm not giving up.

4. Is it okay to binge-watch Fixer Upper?

I take breaks between cleaning and applying for jobs by watching Fixer Upper on repeat. Why not? I'm a college grad working towards my next big adventure but why not enjoy the present with Fixer Upper marathons?

5. I feel like I should be doing homework right now.

I've been going to school year-round for three years, so I keep thinking I need to start my summer classes, or study for an exam. Going nonstop to nothing is such a weird feeling, and I keep thinking that I have something I should be doing.

6. Where am I going to meet "adult" friends that have the same interests and values as me?

I was just talking about this the other day. I love my best friends, who understand PR problems, but none of them will live in my future town, so I'm thinking about how I'm going to meet like-minded people.

7. I need more hobbies.

Skimming social media, shopping, and scouring thrift stores are not going to keep my occupied forever. I need to find more hobbies. I'm thinking I'm going to get more into cooking and get back into yoga.

8. Now is the time to do all of the stuff that I've been wanting to do.

I wanted to get really into scrapbooking, and I let it take a back burner during my time at school, and I haven't been able to really put in the time I wanted to with my blog. Now's the time to do so.

9. I'm so bored.

Aside from hanging out with friends, applying to jobs and purging my closet, I am so bored. I thrive off being busy and I'm not loving this change. Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy this time off, but I'm ready to work!

10. What now?

This has been the biggest question running through my head. The unknown is always confusing, especially for someone who plans as much as I do. However, I'm excited for what is to come in future opportunities, I just wish I knew what that next opportunity is.

Hopefully someone relates to all of the crazy feelings that come with leaving college without going right into a job.

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